The Christ Fellowship Archive of Songs and Sermons

Index of Speakers and Sermons

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Rev Loran Helm

Waitings on God with
Rev Loran Helm
Rev Robert Morgan
Rev Oliver Hogue
Rev Ronald Hogue
Rev Steven Reinhardt
Rev Reimar Schultze

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This archive includes songs and sermons from the Scott Depot Christ Fellowship Church in West Virginia
as copied from cassette tapes. Also included are the sermons from Rev Ronald G Hogue of Pearisburg Christ Fellowship,
Rev Robert Morgan and others that I am able to obtain from the fellowship churches that were associated with
Revival For Our Day (RFOD) during those years. These ministers sought to do only what The Lord was leading by The Holy Spirit.
These are from the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's. There are also cassette tape copies of some of the "Waiting on God"
meetings conducted by Rev Loran W Helm, as he was led by The Holy Spirit.
Lord Willing, this collection will continue to grow larger with time.
Rev Loran W Helm is the author of the book "A Voice in the Wilderness" currently produced and distributed

How To Search The Archive

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"The CF Archive" and look for the magnifying glass icon as shown in the picture below.
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Using the magnifying glass icon on the channel restricts your search to our channel only.

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"sings" Search Result - CF Archive in the Facebook Group


Think On These Things - Written By Reverend Loran Helm

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things." (Philippians 4:8)

We know that we are to cast all of our burdens upon Jesus. We are not to dwell on any
disappointments, hurts, past wounds or past negative experiences. If we dwell on any
of these things, we violate the precious law of faith that God wants us to live by. I Peter
5:7 says, ”Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” We must at all times
resist Satan and the thoughts of failure, or what has not been that should have been, or
what we thought ought to be. We are to cast that over upon the Lord. An old song
says, "Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there." lf we were to take up any
of these burdens, such as disappointments or hurts or self-guilt, or thinking that we
can’t do this or that, or we ought to do this or that - if we take any of these upon
ourselves, it is devastating to the soul and to the mind, as well as being hurtful to the

Satan tries to get us to dwell on these, but it is a trick to devastate us and to
destroy us. The Lord says we are to trust in Him with all of our heart and not lean to
our own understanding, If we lean to what the negative thoughts lead us to, then it
brings us to nothing, to hurt, to nervous collapse, to a dark place. We must not hold
on to it, but give it over to the Lord whether we can understand it or not. Satan tries
to get us to dwell upon that which has not come to pass which we thought ought to be.
And if the enemy can get us to dwell on that, it simply brings us to unhappiness, to
sorrow and despair. But if we let loose of it and put it in the hands of the Lord by faith,
in due season we will reap if we faint not. Galatians 6:9 says: "And let us not he weary
in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

When our heart and mind want to do God’s will, we cannot dwell on anything that is
negative, hurtful or despairing. We cannot dwell on that for even one second, because
if we do, it will crush us to death. We have to let loose of it and keep our minds upon
the Lord. God‘s Word says: ”Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. ln everything
give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thess. 5:16-
18) We are not to try to analyze or ask why or figure it out, but we are to commit
everything over to the Lord regardless of how devastating it looks. When we cast
everything upon Him, then we are released through prayer.

I told Mrs. Black years ago, "lf you will get into a room and just start praising the Lord
and say: ‘Praise the Lord, Glory, Hallelujah, Adoration, Holiness, Righteousness, Purity,
Thank You, Jesus!" then the Holy Spirit will drive the darkness and despair out of your
heart and body and mind." When I returned in five or six weeks she said, "Reverend Helm,
this really works!" She had been at Taylor University where her husband had graduated,
but somehow Satan had robbed her and was trying to keep her mind on the things that
were defeating her. When we commit it to Jesus and take the burden to Him, we don’t
want to pick it up again. Our flesh wants to get hold of it, but we aren't to dwell upon that.

We are to dwell upon the good things. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose
mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee." (Isaiah 26:3) We are to keep our
mind there at all times. Then in due season, through the Faith delivered of our fathers
(which God gave the saints), He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask
or think according to the power that worketh in us. The power works in us as we
believe and follow Him, not allowing the devil to harass and accuse us. The Bible says
he is the accuser of the brethren. We can’t listen to him, but keep our mind upon that
which is upright and good and helpful and strengthening. We cannot dwell upon the

We have to review this over and over and over, day after day, many times a day;
especially when we are in a struggle or trial, in a lonely place, or in a hurtful situation.
We have to review it or Satan will rob us of the victory. We regain the victory
immediately when we say, "Get behind me, Satan. I am going to trust Jesus. I am not
going to lean upon my own understanding. I am not going to dwell upon the things that
have hurt me, disappointed me, crushed me or wounded me. I am not going to do it.
By the grace of God I am going to keep my mind upon Jesus in praise and adoration
and thanksgiving." And He will surely bring you out if you will trust and never doubt.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. This is helpful to all the peoples of the
church. It is not just for one or a select few, but for whosoever will.

We praise Him, knowing that He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him
against that day. He is able to change even that which seems to be impossible as we
trust and never doubt. Just keep praising Him for what He is doing, and for what He will
do. The Lord gives deliverance to those who will follow these instructions.
We have to go over them constantly, or Satan will steal them from us. The enemy will
take them away, but we must hold fast to the promise, for nothing is too hard for the

God told Sarah that. She laughed and thought it wasn’t possible. All things are possible
with God as we trust and believe, keeping our mind upon the good things. The Lord is
able to help us at all times and in all situations for His glory and praise. When we rely
on Him, it relieves the mind, and relieves the pressures upon the body. Praise the Lord.


My Thoughts on Keeping Rev Helm's Message

As I listen to the old tapes, I hear an almost constant stream of Kingdom led events
that confirm to me that this message, and the messenger, were from God. Rev Helm
often said, to get this message in your heart, you will have to listen to it many, many
times. He often related that the powers of the air were removing the message from our
minds and hearts, almost as soon as it was spoken. I believe it will require much
waiting on God to get our hearts in proper condition to recieve this message.

I believe that any pastor could simple review Rev Helm's message, over and over
continuously, and be in divine order in doing so. I seriously doubt that we will see world
wide revival until we get this basic and fundamental message into our hearts. Until we get
this message of repentance and walking with God through obedience to every leading of
The Holy Spirit, and self denial, we are stuck in a spiritual ditch.

I've heard Rev Helm say about eating fish "don't try to chew up the bones, just set those
aside" He knew that some parts of the message were hard to hear. I can see that the
enemy wants to use the difficulties of hearing about carnality, or self denial, to cause us
to walk away from Rev Helm, and forget the message. It may seem humanly impossible
to put into practice, but Jesus will help us... “All things are possible with God.”

I believe there is an inner sanctifying work that takes place, by The Holy Spirit as we
listen to these sermons, stories, and messages of Rev Helm. The anointing presence
of The Holy Spirit is still there. We can get great help for our souls as we review
and keep hold of the message. Rev Helm said, we would have to listen to
some of these sermons many many times to get them into our hearts.
We have to continue to listen to keep it.

Rev Helm had a primary goal, a single mission... To do only what Jesus led and see
God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven, in great Holy Ghost awakening.
Rev Helm claimed only to be a “nothing servant of Jesus.” He always gave God all
the glory for every leading of The Holy Spirit. He would often say “It is only by God’s
mercy and grace that we can ever receive another leading of The Holy Spirit again,
and that we owe God all the honor, all the glory, and all the praise.”

It was only by God’s grace and Rev Helm’s personal inner yieldedness to do God’s will
through the leadership of the Holy Spirit that God was able to use him. I believe it takes
a great deal of self discipline to consistently turn away from the old life, and do God’s
will, if we persist with the message, we will grow in grace. God can and will help us.
“With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”